prosveta : : for a better world
Prosvěta is a company, based in Prague, Czech Republic, founded by partners activist Ivona Novomestská Remundová and film director Filip Remunda in 2015. Our major projects include film development and production, book publishing, event organizing, as well as campaign setup and support for non-profits and activists.
We support activities leading to openness, sustainable development, transparency and critical thinking. We don't like prejudice, corruption, tobacco lobbying, advertisements for fluoride toothpaste and campaigns with no humor.
We work with graphic designers, filmmakers, authors and journalists, academics, political scientists, visual artists, online marketers and just about anyone else we think could help realize your project.

About Filip

About Ivona
and support for non-profits and activists
When we cooperate with campaigns, we employ diverse methods to counter traditional and imbalanced perspectives on relations between countries, particularly institutions and people in the Global North and the Global South. We avoid victim-blaming and eurocentric hero complexes in favour of sharp self-criticism, satire, and vigorous searches for root causes.

Bangladesh TV
The global textile industry is rife with worker exploitation and environmental degradation in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, China, and also countries of the Global North.
The Bangladesh TV campaign is a satirical news program created to expose and address this industry and its systemic inequities. Through our fictional newscast we sent the famous Bangladeshi reporter Nadira Mujumdar to compare the tragedy connected to textile production in a small town in the Czech republic with the tragedy in the Bangladeshi metropolis, Dhaka.
Where did the famous Czech textile industry go? Who now produces our clothes and under what conditions?
What can we do ourselves to support workers rights and safety, reduce consumption and lessen environmental impact?
These are just some of the questions we try to answer through our campaign. More on

TV Botswana
TV Bostwana is a fictional documentary film created together with director Adam Olha for the Czechia Against Poverty campaign. Using stereotypically colonial “investigative journalism”, the African journalists expose the scarcity and poor living standards in a "developed country".
Through covering climate, politics, and lifestyles, a deeply human story is created with the conclusion: We don't have this in our country.
With this film, the Czechia Against Poverty campaign opened a debate about the experiences of African journalists. It is important to recognize that when assessing living standards in countries divided into rich north and poor south, it's not just economic indicators that show us the real situation.

The Drained Sea
Once upon a time there was an ancient sea in central Europe. As the sea receded, a drop remained that became Bezedné jezero, a rare lake that was the only one of its kind. Two hundred years ago, someone got the insidious idea to destroy the lake in order to make a fortune cultivating sugar beets. The lake repeatedly tried to defend itself, returning three times, impacting the people of the area and mirroring the upheavals of the period.
The Drained Sea tells the story of the battle between greedy humans and heroes, and the struggle of the lake to make her return.

A Czech NGO invited Sandra Kisić, a twenty-six-year old influencer of Bosnian origin, to come to Uganda. She spent ten days in and about the town of Kabale, high in Ugandan mountains. Besides the local citizens, she was accompanied by a Dutch volunteer Roose de Boer who already was on her tenth mission. Sandra, on the other hand, saw poverty and technological backwardness for the first time in reality, not just on her cell phone that she practically did not put down.
The film captures the clash of seemingly remote, yet equivalent worlds compares global challenges as an impartial observer to emphasize numerous tragicomic paradoxes.

Czech Journal:
Chickens, virus and us
A delightful tale about one family's experiment during the coronavirus crisis. By casually exploring the adoption of chickens, this Czech family discovers the challenges inherent in the commercial egg industry, animal rights platforms, and family struggles during a pandemic.
We began filming in March 2020, at the onset of the coronavirus crisis, when we took refuge in a mountainous countryside with our three children. While surfing the internet, the children found a video from an asian market. In it, the camera wanders through the marketplace showing dissected snakes, rats and other wild animals, including bats. They were shocked to see overcrowded cages full of cats and dogs destined for slaughter. In another video, the children learned that the coronavirus had reportedly spread from wild animals to humans in a similar marketplace in Wuhan, China.
Reflections on the relationship between humans and animals lead them to the decision to adopt chickens and keep them as their local neighbors do. Each one of us adopted one chicken from the cage breeding farm. These chickens are pitiful; they look different from the hens in the neighbors' garden, and the children want to find out why. They learn details about the hens' lives in cages. Their questions are full of childish naivete, but painfully aware of the urgency.
When human life is at stake, it is presumed that animal rights should fall into the shadows. However, the children base this story on their chickens; they want to know more about why people treat animals so ruthlessly.
Day after day, the children learn to take care of their chickens. They get advice from experienced breeders in the neighborhood, and talk about the relationship between humans and animals. As they reflect on the differences between domestic and industrial livestock, these amateur chicken breeders also discover that there are politicians proposing a ban on caged hen breeding in the Czech Republic.
As the rescued chickens settle in the children's garden, their feathers grow, and they start to lay eggs again.
Though the new school year begins in September, due to the second wave of the pandemic, the schools close and they return to the cottage, where they take care of us, after we became ill with covid 19. They look forward to rescuing more chickens from the cage farm again in the spring…

Lay Down Your Arms
Bertha von Suttner was the first woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. She was born in Prague at the then Kingdom of Bohemia, then lived in Vienna, Paris or Georgia. She was a colleague and friend of Alfred Nobel, whom she influenced in many ways, perhaps it was she who inspired him to establish the Nobel Peace Prize. Bertha von Suttner became one of the most important leaders of the international peace movement in history. She acted as a liberal and strong leader at male-dominated peace congresses od the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. She was also the first woman war reporter and women's rights activist.
After 130 years since its first edition, we have translated her most important book "Lay Down Your Arms" into modern Czech language, thus recalling its legacy.

Dialogue on the Velvet Revolution
This debate panel was founded on the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia. The intention is to examine demands from the revolution including critical social debate, social equity and democratic processes, and put them into the context of the current state of the Czech economy and society.
Every year, on the anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, we invite experts from diverse fields to this panel.